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Guslyakova О. I., Levin Y. I. JAMES CLERK MAXWELL: TWO REMARKABLE DATES. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2014, vol. 22, iss. 6, pp. 108-126. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18500/0869-6632-2014-22-6-108-126
This article considers events in which great Scotchman J.C. Maxwell played principal role and the significance for the evolution of the world culture, which cannot be overestimated. There are two anniversaries in 2014: first, 150 years of the publication of his final work on the theory of the electromagnetic field, and second, 140 years of the organizing Cavendish Laboratory under his leadership, becoming the world centre of science. Questionable dates associated with these events are discussed.
1. Maxwell James Clerk. A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field// Royal Society Transactions. 1865. Vol. CLV. P. 459. The paper was orally read Dec. 8, 1864.
2. Максвелл Дж.К. Избранные сочинения по теории электромагнитного поля. М., 1954
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4. Планк М. Джеймс Клерк Максвелл и его значение для теоретической физики в Германии// Сб. Джеймс Клерк Максвелл: Статьи речи. М.: Изд-во «Наука», 1968.
5. Пайерлс Р.Э. Теория поля со времени Максвелла// Джеймс Клерк Максвелл: Статьи речи. М.: Изд-во «Наука», 1968.
6. Кляус Е.М. Джеймс Клерк Максвелл// Джеймс Клерк Максвелл: Статьи речи. М.: Изд-во «Наука», 1968.
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8. Зоммерфельд А. Электродинамика. М., 1950.
9. Фейнман Р., Лейтон Р., Сэндс М. Фейнмановские лекции по физике: Т.5. Электричество и магнетизм. М.: Изд-во «Мир», 1966.
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12. Зотиков И. В Кембридже я искал Кембридж. http://www.pingvins.com/articles/25/, http://www.vokrugsveta.ru
13. Pippard A.B. The Cavendish tradition// Nature. 1974. Vol. 249. P. 602. http://www.vivovoco.msk.su
14. Дмитриев Б.С., Левин Ю.И. Об открытии электрона // Изв. вузов. Прикладная нелинейная динамика. 1997. T. 5, No 5, С. 107.
15. Электронная библиотека. Наука и техника. Лауреаты Нобелевской премии. http://n-t.ru/nl/fz/
author = {О. I. Guslyakova and Yu. I. Levin},
year = {2014},
journal = {Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics},
volume = {22},number = {6},
url = {https://old-andjournal.sgu.ru/en/articles/james-clerk-maxwell-two-remarkable-dates},
address = {Саратов},
language = {russian},
doi = {10.18500/0869-6632-2014-22-6-108-126},pages = {108--126},issn = {0869-6632},
keywords = {James Clerk Maxwell,electromagnetic field,Maxwell’s equations,Cavendish Laboratory,University of Cambridge,winner of the Nobel Prize.},
abstract = {This article considers events in which great Scotchman J.C. Maxwell played principal role and the significance for the evolution of the world culture, which cannot be overestimated. There are two anniversaries in 2014: first, 150 years of the publication of his final work on the theory of the electromagnetic field, and second, 140 years of the organizing Cavendish Laboratory under his leadership, becoming the world centre of science. Questionable dates associated with these events are discussed. }}