Malinetskii George G.

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George G. Malinetskiy, Doctor of Science (1990), professor, Head of department of mathematical modelling of nonlinear processes of RAS Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathe-matics.
He is one from the leading specialists in nonlinear dynamics, author of about 700 sci-entific publications and about 100 scientific-popular articles and books, printed in Russia and USA. Among them are “Nonstationary structures and diffusion induces chaos”, “Synergetics and the future forecast”, “Risk management: Risk. Sustainable development. Synergetics”, “For doing tail reality”, “Space of synergetics”.
He is editor of serial books “The Future of Applied Mathematics” and chief of editori-al board of book series “Synergetics: from Past to Future” and “Future Russia”.
His most popular results are theory of diffusion-induced chaos, models of educational system, project of mathematical history and project of creating the National system of scien-tific monitoring of dangerous processes in natural, technological and social spheres.
G.G.Malinetskiy is organizer and chief of specialization “Nonlinear processes” in Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, professor of Bauman Moscow State Technical University, professor of University of People Friendship. He is vice-president of Nanotechno-logical Society of Russia, member of Academy of Military Science, member of Isborsk club. He is 2002 prise winner of Government of Russia in education.
Recent years he works in the areas of soft modelling, system analysis, prediction of disasters, catastrophes and crisis events on the base of nonlinear dynamics methods, theory of channels and jokers, problems of future constructing.