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Postnov D. E., Nekrasov А. М. MECHANISMS OF PHASE MULTISTABILITY DEVELOPMENT IN INTERACTING 3D-OSCILLATORS. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2005, vol. 13, iss. 1, pp. 47-62. DOI:

We study the formation of multiple synchronous states for weakly diffusively coupled 3D-oscillators. As a representative 3D-model we use the equations for generator with inertial nonlinearity. It is shown that oscillations multi-crest waveform is not the factor that solely defines the number of multiple synchronous states, but dephasing-like effects have to be taken into account.

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abstract = {We study the formation of multiple synchronous states for weakly diffusively coupled 3D-oscillators. As a representative 3D-model we use the equations for generator with inertial nonlinearity. It is shown that oscillations multi-crest waveform is not the factor that solely defines the number of multiple synchronous states, but dephasing-like effects have to be taken into account. }}