NONLINEAR EFFECTS IN ENSEMBLES OF OSCILLATORS WITH RESOURCE DISTRIBUTION COUPLING Part 2: Oscillatory regimes of one-dimension array of self-sustained oscillators coupled via common power supply

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Postnov D. E., Shishkin А. V., Scherbakov P. А. NONLINEAR EFFECTS IN ENSEMBLES OF OSCILLATORS WITH RESOURCE DISTRIBUTION COUPLING Part 2: Oscillatory regimes of one-dimension array of self-sustained oscillators coupled via common power supply. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2007, vol. 15, iss. 5, pp. 23-35. DOI:

We suggest the model of ensemble of resource sharing oscillators in the form of one-dimension array of self-sustained systems with N-type nonlinearity. We analyze the mechanism of oscillatory cluster formation, study the intra-cluster synchronization, and show the effect of energy fluctuations.

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