Cite this article as:

Sanin А. L., Smirnovsky А. А. QUANTUM SPATIALLY CONFINED OSCILLATOR IN SYSTEM WITH FRICTION AND FEEDBACK. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2008, vol. 16, iss. 2, pp. 18-54. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18500/0869-6632-2008-16-2-18-54

The dynamics of quantum wave packets in one-dimensional system with spatially confined quadratic potential, feedback and friction was numerically investigated in the context of the Schrodinger–Langevin–Kostin equation. The coherent oscillations are  possible in the system under determined values of the feedback force and friction coefficient. There are the critical values of these quantities when the packet oscillations become complicated, the uncertainty product increases sharply, oscillates, but the Fourier-spectrum is everywhere dense.

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abstract = {The dynamics of quantum wave packets in one-dimensional system with spatially confined quadratic potential, feedback and friction was numerically investigated in the context of the Schrodinger–Langevin–Kostin equation. The coherent oscillations are  possible in the system under determined values of the feedback force and friction coefficient. There are the critical values of these quantities when the packet oscillations become complicated, the uncertainty product increases sharply, oscillates, but the Fourier-spectrum is everywhere dense. }}