«Izvestiya VUZ. AND», 2018, Vol. 26, Iss. 5 Full Text (PDF): maket_5_2018_1.pdf Content Applied Problems of Nonlinear Oscillation and Wave Theory Mischenko М. А., Zhukova N. S., Matrosov V. V. Excitability of neuron-like generator under pulse stimulation 5 Zakovorotny V. L., Gvinjiliya V. E. Bifurcations of attracting sets of cutting tool deformation displacements at the evolution of treatment process properties 20 Sysoeva M. V., Medvedeva T. M. Optimization of Granger causation method parameters for the study of limbic epilepsy 39 Perevaryukha A. Y. Scenarios of the passage of the «population bottleneck» by an invasive species in the new model of population dynamics 63 Kaschenko S. А. Dynamics of two-component parabolic systems of Schrodinger type 81 Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuroscience Levanova T. A., Kazakov A. O., Korotkov А. G., Osipov G. V. The impact of electrical couplings on the dynamics of the ensemble of inhibitory coupled neuron-like elements 101 History Mukhin R. R. Richard Feynman and Julian Schwinger and condensed matter physics in the Soviet Union 113