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Kuznetsov A. P., Kuznetsov S. P., Sedova Y. V. «NONLINEAR MINIMUM» IN THE THEORY OF DISCRETE MAPS. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2006, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 89-118. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18500/0869-6632-2006-14-4-89-118
The introduction in the theory of discrete maps available for understanding to senior classes pupils and students of younger years is presented. It demonstrates correlation of discrete and continuous descriptions of dynamical systems. The physical examples facilitate a perception of a material. The computer tasks are presented, which decision gives a chance to generate enough capacious collection of programs, that can be used in research work.
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author = {A. P. Kuznetsov and Sergey P. Kuznetsov and Yu. V. Sedova },
year = {2006},
journal = {Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics},
volume = {14},number = {4},
url = {https://old-andjournal.sgu.ru/en/articles/nonlinear-minimum-in-the-theory-of-discrete-maps},
address = {Саратов},
language = {russian},
doi = {10.18500/0869-6632-2006-14-4-89-118},pages = {89--118},issn = {0869-6632},
keywords = {-},
abstract = {The introduction in the theory of discrete maps available for understanding to senior classes pupils and students of younger years is presented. It demonstrates correlation of discrete and continuous descriptions of dynamical systems. The physical examples facilitate a perception of a material. The computer tasks are presented, which decision gives a chance to generate enough capacious collection of programs, that can be used in research work. }}