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Slipushenko S. V., Tur А. V., Yanovsky V. V. INTERMITTENCY CONCURRENCE. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2008, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 3-19. DOI:

In this paper we studied intermittent modes in the two-parametric set of onedimensional maps with the neutral unstable point at a phase space boundary. We built the phase diagram in a space of parameters. It defines possible transitions to chaos with a parameter change. We showed the unusual mode of the intermittency concurrence. We studied the laminar length distribution function, Lyapunov exponent and topological entropy of this maps set.

Key words: 

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abstract = {In this paper we studied intermittent modes in the two-parametric set of onedimensional maps with the neutral unstable point at a phase space boundary. We built the phase diagram in a space of parameters. It defines possible transitions to chaos with a parameter change. We showed the unusual mode of the intermittency concurrence. We studied the laminar length distribution function, Lyapunov exponent and topological entropy of this maps set. }}