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Kuznetsov A. P., Novikov Е. V., Savin А. V. PERIOD DOUBLING MAPS WITH DRIVING PARAMETER MODULATED BY DELAYED FEEDBACK. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2008, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 33-64. DOI:
It was shown that addition of modulation of driving parameter with using delay can be considered as physically reasoned method of construction two-dimensional maps with nonfixed Jacobian. The examples of such two-parameter and three-parameter maps were presented. The conditions of Neumark–Sacker’s bifurcation, period doubling and resonance 1:2 were obtained. The structure of parameter space was studied by dynamical regimes maps method and the regions of quasiperiodic regimes and different synchronous regimes were revealed.
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author = {A. P. Kuznetsov and Е. V. Novikov and А. V. Savin},
year = {2008},
journal = {Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics},
volume = {16},number = {4},
url = {},
address = {Саратов},
language = {russian},
doi = {10.18500/0869-6632-2008-16-4-33-64},pages = {33--64},issn = {0869-6632},
keywords = {-},
abstract = {It was shown that addition of modulation of driving parameter with using delay can be considered as physically reasoned method of construction two-dimensional maps with nonfixed Jacobian. The examples of such two-parameter and three-parameter maps were presented. The conditions of Neumark–Sacker’s bifurcation, period doubling and resonance 1:2 were obtained. The structure of parameter space was studied by dynamical regimes maps method and the regions of quasiperiodic regimes and different synchronous regimes were revealed. }}