Cite this article as:

Sokolov М. Е., Kuznetsova G. D., Nujdel I. V., Yakhno V. G. SIMULATOR OF THE DYNAMIC PROCESSES OF SENSOR SIGNAL PROCESSING IN TALAMO­CORTICAL NETWORKS. Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 2011, vol. 19, iss. 6, pp. 117-129. DOI:

Now models (simulators) of neural networks are actively developed. Their architecture and design are based on features of structure and principles of work of real neurons and neurobiological systems. Working out neurolike models based on the data about architecture of connections in a brain, it is aimed at finding­out of principles of work of its neural structures. In experimental researches it is revealed that interconnected neuronal modules such as cortex, reticular modules of thalamus, specific thalamus play the important role in processes of information processing. Therefore it is very important to find out, how the entrance signal in these structures of a brain will be transformed, and what internal processes can limit and completely break their teamwork. One of variants of such processes is the epilepsy. At this paper results of last calculations on functional model of interaction neurolike modules in the course of information processing in thalamocortical system are presented. The model is realized in the environment of MATLAB 7.7.0 and this is the advanced and corrected version of earlier model.


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2. Hecht–Nielsen R. A theory of the cerebral cortex // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Molecular Electronics and Biocomputing. Future Electronic Devices Association of Japan. Okinawa, 28–30 November 1995.

3. Яхно В.Г., Нуйдель И.В., Иванов А.Е. Модельные нейроноподобные системы. Примеры динамических процессо // Нелинейные волны – 2004 / Отв. ред. А.В. Гапонов-Грехов, В.И. Некоркин. Ниж. Новгород: ИПФ РАН, 2005. С. 362.

4. Sokolov M.E., Tel’nykh A.A., Koval’chuk A.V., Bellyustin N.S., Nuidel’ I.V., and Yakhno V.G. Face recognition using «lateral inhibition» function features // Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics). 2009. Vol. 18, No 1. P. 1.

5. Coenen A.M.L., van Luijtelaar E.L.J.M., Kuznetsova G.D., Ivanov A.E., Nuidel I.V., Khurlapov P.G., and Yakhno V.G. Моdeling of transition regimes between normal and pathological transformation of sensor signals in brain // Proceedings of Nijmengen Institute for Cognition and Information, 2004. Р. 331.

6. Coulter D.A. Thalamocortical Anatomy and Physiology, Epilepsy: A Comprehensive Textbook // J. Engel (ed.), Jr. and T.A. Pedley. Liippincott Raven Publisher: Piladelphia, 1997. 341 р.

7. Кузнецова Г.Д., Габова А.В., Соколов М.Е. Исследование механизмов поддержания и окончания статуса абсансной эпилепсии // Труды конференции. Нелинейная динамика в когнитивных исследованиях – 2011. Нижний Новгород, 2011. С. 107.

8. Шевелев И.А. Волновые процессы в зрительной коре мозга // Природа. 2001. No 12.

9. Данилова Н.Н. Психофизиология. Учебник для вузов. М.: АСПЕНТ ПРЕСС, 2000.

10. Кудряшов А.В., Яхно В.Г. Распространение областей повышенной импульсной активности в нейронной сети // Динамика биологических систем. 1978. Вып. 2. C. 45.

11. Masterov A.V., Tolkov V.N., Yakhno V.G. Spatio-temporal structures in opto-electronic devices // Nonlinear Waves 1. Dynamics and Evolution / Eds. A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov, M.I. Rabinovich, J. Engelbrecht. Springer-Verlag, 1989. P. 168.

12. Bellustin N.S., Kuznetsov S.O., Nuidel I.V., Yakhno V.G. Neural networks with close nonlocal coupling for analysing composite image // Neurocomputing. 1991. Vol. 3. P. 231.

13. Нуйдель И.В., Яхно В.Г. Моделирование процессов преобразования сенсорной информации // Нейрокомпютеры как основа мыслящей ЭВМ. 1993. С. 207.

14. Yakhno V.G., Bellustin N.S., Krasil’nikova I.G., Kuznetsov S.O., Nuidel I.V., Panfilov A.I., Perminov A.O., Shadrin A.V., Shevyrev A.A. Research decision-making system operating with composite image fragments using neuron-like algorithm // Radiophysics. 1994. Vol. 37, No 8. P. 961

15. Кузнецова Г.Д., Пелиновский Д.Е., Яхно В.Г. Математические модели динамики волн распространяющейся депрессии в коре головного мозга // Изв. вузов. Прикладная нелинейная динамика. 1994. Т. 2, No 3–4. C. 86.

16. Yakhno V.G. Basic models of hierarchy neuron-like systems and ways to analysis some of their complex reactions // Optical Memory & Neural Network. 1995. Vol. 4, No 2. P 141.

17. Яхно В.Г. Процессы самоорганизации в распределенных нейроноподобных системах: Примеры возможных применений // Нейроинформатика 2001. Лекции по нейроинформатике. М.: МИФИ, 2001. C. 103.

18. Яхно В.Г. Модели нейроноподобных систем. Динамические режимы преобразования информации // Нелинейные волны–2002. Нижний Новгород: ИПФ РАН, 2003. С. 90.

19. Спицын И.Г., Нуйдель И.В., Яхно В.Г. Моделирование таламо-кортикальных связей в сенсорных системах // Научная сессия НИЯУ МИФИ–2004. Сборник научных трудов VI Всероссийской научно-технической конференции «Нейро-информатика–2004» / М.: МИФИ. 2004. Часть 1. С. 145.


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@article{Соколов -IzvVUZ_AND-19-6-117,
author = {М. Е. Sokolov and G. D. Kuznetsova and I. V. Nujdel and V. G. Yakhno },
year = {2011},
journal = {Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics},
volume = {19},number = {6},
url = {},
address = {Саратов},
language = {russian},
doi = {10.18500/0869-6632-2011-19-6-117-129},pages = {117--129},issn = {0869-6632},
keywords = {Time­frequency analysis of EEG,epileptic activity,sleep spendles,rithmic activity of brain,oscillation pattern of EEG.},
abstract = {Now models (simulators) of neural networks are actively developed. Their architecture and design are based on features of structure and principles of work of real neurons and neurobiological systems. Working out neurolike models based on the data about architecture of connections in a brain, it is aimed at finding­out of principles of work of its neural structures. In experimental researches it is revealed that interconnected neuronal modules such as cortex, reticular modules of thalamus, specific thalamus play the important role in processes of information processing. Therefore it is very important to find out, how the entrance signal in these structures of a brain will be transformed, and what internal processes can limit and completely break their teamwork. One of variants of such processes is the epilepsy. At this paper results of last calculations on functional model of interaction neurolike modules in the course of information processing in thalamocortical system are presented. The model is realized in the environment of MATLAB 7.7.0 and this is the advanced and corrected version of earlier model. }}