Sysoev Ilya Vyacheslavovich

Additional info
Ilya graduated from Liceum of Applied Sciences in 1999; graduated from Saratov State University ("Faculty of nonlinear processes") in 2004 with honor as a physicist. In 2004--2007 he studied as PhD in Saratov Sate University, in 2007 he defended the PhD thesis, specialty "Radiophysics". From 2005 till now Ilya Sysoev has been working as a university teacher: teaching assistant from 2005 till 2008, and docent (assistant-professor, lecturer) from September 2008. He is an author and coauthor of lecture courses in programming, including programming for beginners, parallel and high performance programming, data analysis, and theory of oscillations. He has been a supervisor of more than 20 master, bachelor and specialist (engineer, 5 year continuous education) students. Ilya sysoev became a member of Scientific-Methodical committee (since 2009) and Scientific Council (since 2015) of Faculty of nano- and biomedical technologies of Saratov Sate University. From December 2015 participates in doctorate program (to be finished by defense of the second Thesis, like Habilitation). Ilya Sysoev was a supervisor of two successfully defended PhD theses in 2015: by Marina Sysoeva (together with prof. Vladimir Ponomarenko) and by Maksim Kornilov. Main scientific interests: time series analysis, modeling from time series, Granger causality, coupling analysis, epilepsy, time-delayed systems. Author of publications in a number of Russian and foreign journals such as: "Neuroscience", "Physica D", "Chaos, Solitons and Fractals", "Epilepsy and Behavior", "Journal of Neuroscience Methods", "Physical Review E", "Technical Physics Letters", "Journal of Experimental and Theoretical physics", "Zh Vyssh Nerv Deiat I P Pavlova", "Biophysics".