Matrosov Valery V.

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V.V. Matrosov was born in 1960. In 1982 he graduated from N.I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (UNN, former Gorky State University) with a major in applied mathematics. From 1984 to 1999 he worked as a researcher in the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics of UNN. In 1999 he joined the department of Oscillations Theory and Automatic Control of UNN as an associate professor. In 2007 he defended a thesis for the Doctor of Science degree in Radiophysics. In the same year he was elected to full professor position, and in 2009 was awarded the academic rank of professor. In 2013 he was elected as the head of the department of Oscillations Theory and Automatic Control, and in 2014 as the dean of Radiophysics Faculty.
V.V. Matrosov is a renowned expert in nonlinear oscillations theory. He contributed to developing theoretical bases of generation and synchronization of chaotically modulated oscillations in phase and frequency controlled oscillators. V.V. Matrosov has authored more than 100 scientific publications and teaching materials, which are published in Russia and abroad, including 3 monographs and 3 tutorials. He supervised 4 successfully completed Ph.D. projects. V.V. Matrosov participates in the Dissertational Board D212.166.07 and in the Scientific Guidance Council of the Research School “Oscillatory and wave processes in natural and artificial media” at Radiophysics Faculty, UNN. V.V. Matrosov has been awarded the A.S. Popov Society badge of honour “For Contributions to Radioengineering and Communications”.